Learning at EBIS
By The Numbers
Classroom Learning
Every student has a homeroom, with a homeroom teacher and a syndicate team which they belong to.
The curriculum is taught by the homeroom teacher and this includes: Literacy, Mathematics, PE and Health, Project Based Inquiry Learning , and Performing Arts
Enrichment and Extension
Students at EBIS are offered a wide variety of programmes outside of their day to day classroom learning.
These include extension classes for most subjects, academic and cultural clubs, electives, sporting opportunities, and many more.
Sport and Physical Education
A wide range of sports activities and options are provided to all students throughout the year.
All students participate in physical education (PE) lessons focusing on skill development, positive participation, fitness and teamwork.
SPEC Classes
Students all participate in a range of specialist subjects within a 2 year cycle
Students select two akoranga classes to take part in per Term.