Emergency Procedures
Earthquake (Minor)
Firstly, DROP - COVER – HOLD, for at least 30 seconds wherever you are.
Teachers to inform the office if there are any problems.
Classes to stay in rooms unless the classroom teacher or management deem otherwise.
Civil Emergency:
Shaking is SEVERE (thrown off your feet) or it is a LONG ROLLING QUAKE, greater than 1 minute.
Firstly, DROP - COVER – HOLD, for at least 30 seconds wherever you are.
Teacher signals an evacuation to higher ground is needed to their class.
Evacuate to our ‘Assembly area’ at the top of Crawford Road, Kilbirnie (see map for different routes), using Duncan Terrace, Henry Street or Wellington Road. Staff to bring emergency backpack.
Students line-up in their class and in register order. Teachers to inform AP/DP when class is present.
Parents collect students from the ‘Assembly area’. Listen to Civil Emergency instructions.
The School Fire alarm bells will ring (long continuous) in the stairways and throughout the school.
Exit to the EBIS Back Courts at the instruction of a staff member. Check toilets etc as you exit.
Go to your class number on the Back Court, as in the practise drills.
Line-up in your class register order. Teachers to inform AP/DP when class is present.
Wait until the Fire Brigade (or senior management) gives the ‘ALL CLEAR’.
(Potential life-threatening action)
School bells will ring intermittently (ON, OFF, ON, OFF etc.)
Office or Senior Management need to dial 1-1-1.
Go to the nearest lockable room.
Teachers lock classrooms and if possible ensure the outside doors closest to them are locked.
Students keep low (no-one near a window).
Remain in locked area until you are told, ‘ALL CLEAR’ (A long continuous bell will ring)
Evacuate to the EBIS Back Court and assemble in class lines.
Roll taken by the class teacher/SPEC teacher. Teachers to inform AP/DP when class is present.
Dismissed by senior management.
EBIS receives a call on the School number, notifying us that an EXPLOSIVE is on site or nearby.
The person taking the call - If a student to get a staff member immediately. If a staff member - take down as much information as possible:
Time, Name o Details of what has been said o Phone ID - caller number if this comes up on the screen o Or other information like accent etc.
Notify senior management and dial 111 and let the NZ Police know of the above.
Listen to the NZ Police advice and follow it.
IF An EXPLOSIVE in the immediate area: Senior staff will make a decision to evacuate students to another safe area and inform staff.
Wait until NZ Police give the ALL CLEAR to return to School.